How to Set Up Your Hammock
To Setup: select your tribute trees.
Make sure you hang your hammock between two trees or posts about 10 feet apart. Don’t hang from saplings or damaged trees (they call them “widow-makers” for a reason), as they may not be strong enough to support you.
Be very careful how high you hang your hammock. The higher you are off the ground, the more it can hurt if something goes wrong and gravity takes over. Consult a high school physics teacher on how fast you will be moving when you hit the ground at your proposed height.
Use any hold-knot in your repertoire. However, if you’re not a Nineteenth-century sailor, we suggest a simple overhand knot.
Use the included lashing cables [or a set of tree straps, if you have them] to attach your hammock to the tree, like so:
1. Fold your lashing cable in half & tie a simple overhand knot to both ends of the rope.

2. Tie additional overhand knots throughout the length of the rope.

3. Wrap the tied rope around one of the trees and thread the end through the loop at the fold in the rope.

4. Connect the hammock by latching the carabiner between the rope, so that it rests on one of the knots. Repeat these steps with the other rope.

5. Adjust the carabiner to the knots until you obtain the desired hanging angle for your hammock.

Hammock safe. Hammock Smart. Hammock often.